Divorce isn’t just extremely emotionally draining – it also affects your finances in more ways than one. The sheer amount of various legal fees you’ll be required to pay can be quite overwhelming, especially when you want to be finished with it as soon as possible.
Here we’ll help you learn how to keep your legal fees to a minimum during a divorce so you can leave your marriage with the dignity and respect you deserve.
So, without any further ado, let’s get right to the bottom of it all!
Pick your battles wisely

Divorce often ends with bitter feelings on both sides – something that’s quite difficult to navigate through. Even if you feel like your ex deserves the worst, trying to spite them during your divorce is not a good idea.
So, yes, if you’re planning on fighting your ex-spouse on every single detail of your divorce, expect the entire process to last a long time (and cost you a ton of money!). Instead of doing that, we advise you to prioritize whatever’s the most important to you – be it the custody arrangements or your house. Pick your battles as carefully as you can, because you cannot win them all.
Be honest with your attorney

Your divorce attorney wasn’t there to witness your marriage – all they know is what you’re telling them. Don’t allow yourself to be tempted to omit certain details due to embarrassment or guilt, as it can complicate your situation even further. If your lawyers need to find out the facts by themselves, they’ll spend more time on your case, charging you a bigger number of hourly fees.
So, yes, be honest with your attorney at all times – they’re here to protect your interests. Lying to them will only make their job harder, putting you at a disadvantage to your ex-spouse.
Choose a reputable law firm

Not all divorce attorneys charge the same hourly fees – some are more expensive than others. Find a law firm that offers its services at a rate that’s acceptable to you and your budget. There’s no reason to spend a fortune on your divorce, especially if your case is relatively simple (e.g no children involved).
Look for companies such as Kabir Family Law that specialize in divorce cases – they’re usually much cheaper and much more reliable.
Respond to your attorney in a timely – manner

Your lawyer will require tons of different information from you. The quicker you are to provide them with the necessary data, the less you’ll have to pay in attorney fees. As you already know, the main goal is to get the divorce finalized as promptly as possible. Communicate clearly and respond quickly to your attorney’s inquires, and you’ll be able to get your legal fees down to a minimum.
The bottom line
In this article, we’ve provided you with tips on how to spend the least amount of money while getting a divorce. We hope you’ve found it helpful and we wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors.