CBD oil is as popular as ever, and as is often the case with things that are as popular as this one, you’re going to have a lot of false information about it roaming around. So, to stop you from believing a lie, today – we’re going to expose some CBD oil myths. Let’s begin!
1. CBD Oil Is Addictive
Many people will have you believe that CBD is addictive. However, that can’t be further away from the truth. There have been numerous papers published on this topic, including a comprehensive report from the WHO themselves, in which is it clearly stated that CBD, or any of its derived products, have no addictive side effects on humans. So, don’t worry about it – you won’t become dependent on CBD.
2. CBD Oil And Hemp Seed Oil Are The Same
Another thing that many people believe is that because they both come from the same place that CBD and hemp seed oil are one and the same. Once again, that is simply not true. This is simply because both of them are derived from different parts of hemp. Hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of the hemp plant, hence the name, and CBD oil comes from leaves, stalks and flowers. Unlike the rest of the plant, hemp seeds contain almost no CBD, which is why these two aren’t one and the same.
3. It Can Cure Various Illnesses
While it is true that CBD oil can help you manage a lot of problems – it simply isn’t a cure. You may use CBD for anxiety, depression or help you manage any other physical or psychological problem, but it will not make them go away. CBD oil is strictly used as a remedy and should be only treated as such.
4. It Shows Immediate Results
People have been led to believe that CBD offers instant relief and shows immediate results regardless of what you’re using it for. That is nothing more but a myth. Even though it is true that CBD oil can help you if you are looking for a quick way to relax and unwind – that doesn’t universally apply. If you’ve been prescribed CBD oil for anxiety or depression, it might take some time before you start seeing results. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see any improvements in a matter of days. These things take time. So, take your time and wait it out.
5. The Dosage Doesn’t Matter
As is the case with any other supplement you take – dosage matters. Don’t believe anyone that will tell you otherwise. You can overdose on water, let alone anything else. The general rule of thumb is to start low and work your way up with CBD until you reach the dose that works best for you. That is the safest approach and the one everyone should take unless they’re prescribed a certain dose by a medical doctor.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are many myths associated with CBD oil, and these 5 are only the tip of the iceberg. So, do your research and don’t trust everything you read or hear. Hopefully, we’ve managed to clarify some of these for you.