Parents should communicate with a baby from the first days because communication during the neonatal period is the foundation for further good relations and mutual understanding between parents and a child.
The primary task of newly-made parents is to gain the necessary knowledge about the technique of careful child care. What first-time parents should know about a newborn and what they need to learn to care for a baby you can friend out after reading this article.

A newborn sleeps up to 20 hours a day, but every 3 hours it will definitely wake up to eat, regardless of the time of day, so be prepared to wake up at night. You need to put an infant to sleep on its back, turning its head to the side in case it burps. A little later, you can put a baby on the tummy and a baby should sleep without a pillow.
Doing a diaper
A baby urinates about 20 times a day so you will have to change diapers often. After urination, the kid’s buttocks and genitals are enough to wipe with a damp cloth, but after defecation, it is better to wash an infant.

When you come inside, you should not touch a child until you change the cloth or wash your hands. Viruses or bacteria can settle on clothes with dust, which is completely undesirable for a newborn.
Holding a baby

A newborn cannot hold its head because the muscles are still very weak. Therefore, when you take a baby in your arms, you should hold its head. When a kid is in the crib, for the muscles to develop, a child should be laid out on the stomach.

Newborns eat every 3-4 hours, so be prepared for the fact that you often have to feed a baby, so adjust lactation beforehand. If you are worried that there may be problems with breastfeeding, it is better to prepare in advance and select a milk formula. If you look at parent reviews or expert recommendations, you will see that organic baby formula is preferred by most.

The skin of a newborn may peel off, pimples may appear on it, it may turn yellow, all these manifestations are associated with the adaptation of the baby’s body to life in a new environment.

Use a nipple to give a kid medicine if your little one needs medicine. Insert a syringe with medicine into the nipple and give it to a baby.
Hand cream

If you are tired of washing the paint from the baby’s hands then use hand cream on your child’s hands before it starts to create.
Comfortable clothes

Dressing and undressing a child often takes a lot of time. Moreover, the process of dressing babies usually does not give much pleasure. Therefore, when buying clothes for a newborn, you should opt for comfortable things that can be put on and taken off easily and quickly.

A newborn spits up very often and in order not to wash handkerchiefs, and clothes just spread packs of napkins around all the rooms. No, seriously, napkins should be everywhere thus saving clothes and time.