When you find yourself in a situation where you have to buy auto parts – the choice generally comes down to two options. You can either buy a new or used part for your car. The choice is certainly yours but we will point you to 5 common myths about buying used auto parts – which is why many drivers are in a dilemma whether to buy them or not.
Buying Used Auto Parts: The Eternal Dilemma
Is there anything worse than facing a car break down, completely unexpectedly? We have all found ourselves in this situation. Repairs can sometimes be extremely expensive, depending on which part of the car is broken.
Besides, sometimes we have to wait for a long time to get original car parts. Then we usually find ourselves in a dilemma whether or not to buy a used car part? Some people will say YES while some will be explicitly against this option – because they believe that used parts are not of good quality and that dealers just want to make money on people who buy them. There are a lot of doubts that bother us then, so we will reveal to you some of the common myths related to buying used car parts.
1. Used car parts are not reliable

This is the most common myth supported by those who are against buying used car parts. Let’s face it, you’re certainly not going to buy brakes in a used car parts service. However, it doesn’t mean that other parts you can get there will not be reliable. Moreover, you can find reliable dealers who give you a warranty on the car parts – because they don’t want to ruin their business, and they strictly take care of the correctness and quality of the used parts they sell.
2. Warranties on used car parts are fake

This is one of the most common myths, but not true at all. Most of the warranties you get are quite legitimate – and car parts dealers would not survive in that business if they engaged in such scams. The problem is often in the buyers of used car parts themselves – because they sometimes do not understand what the guarantee they received is for.
3. You cannot check if the used car parts are legal or not

This is completely incorrect. Reliable dealers will offer you to check the legality and correctness of each car part you are interested in buying. You can check out this website and see how easy it is to check the VIN of the vehicle part of which you want to buy. Legal and reliable dealers of used car parts and vehicles will never play with things like this.
4. Used car parts are ridiculously cheap: Not always!

Buying used car parts can save you a lot of money because they have a great price advantage over new parts.
Sometimes the price of a used car part is several times cheaper than a new one – however, that may not always be the case. Sometimes certain car parts are very difficult to find so they can be way more expensive than you think. Still, if they are in good condition and dealers give you a warranty on such a car part – it will still pay off.
Also, sometimes the prices between dealers can vary significantly – so it is very important to check other sources of used parts before making a purchase.
5. You cannot negotiate a price

This is another myth related to buying used car parts. Negotiation is possible with most dealers, and it mostly depends on the age and condition of the car parts you need. Moreover, when you need more used car parts – the sellers will often meet the reduction of existing prices.
We must point out that sometimes, original parts are no longer produced for certain models of vehicles. This usually happens with the older generation car models. In such a situation, used parts are the only option – and you should be well informed about where to buy them, at what price, and in what condition. However, this can be a very good option if you know the rules of smart purchase – so you can see for yourself that some of the myths about buying used parts do not hold water.